Water mass structure and circulation off southern Chile /

Silva Sandoval, Nelson, 1945-2020

Water mass structure and circulation off southern Chile / Nelson Silva Sandoval. - 83 hojas : : figuras.

Master of Science in Oceanography.

Bibliografía: hojas 80-83.

A detailed analysis of the water mass structure and geostrophic circulation off Southern Chile (43° - 63° S, 91° W to the Chilean Coast; (hereafter called study area) was performed . lt was found that: 1. Potential temperature- salinity relations indicate four distinct structure types north of the Polar Front Zone in the study area , involving seven identifiable water masses. These water masses are: Subantarctic Water (SAAW), Antarctic Water (AAW), Equatorial Subsurface Water (ESSW) , Western Pacific Subs urface Wate r (WPSSW) (a new regional water mass identified in this study), Antarctic lntermediate Water (AAIW) , Pacific Deep Water (PDW), and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) . 2 . A scattergram of dissolved oxygen - salinity maximum pairs identifies two distinct subsurface salinity maxima . The subsurface sa linity maximum associated with dissolved oxygen mínimum , establishes the presence of the ESSW as a wedge that penetrates to at least 40° S. The other subsurface salinity maximum which is non-associated with dissolved oxygen minimum, is traced from at least 162° W to as close to the Chilean Coast as 80° W at 43° S. In this study, this water mass is called the Western Pacific Subsurface Water (WPSSW). 3. Acceleratlon potential on the 26.84 sigma-ϴ surface relative to 3000 db, combined with the analysis of ϴ-S structures distrlbution and vertical sections of geostrophic velocity relative to 3000 db, show that the Peru-Chile Undercurrent extends as far south as 48° S. 4. Slgnif icant linear correlation between surface phosphate or nitrate vs. salinity for the study area where the salinity ranges between 33 – 34 ‰, show that the relatively low nutrient content of the coastal waters (<300 km) ·mainly results from mixing oceanic waters with waters of the Archipelago system of Southern Chile. Two point mixing explains only 60- 70% of the nutrient variability; thus, biological and/or chemical processes may also be important causes of the re1atively low nutrient oncentrations of the coastal waters.


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Universidad de Valparaíso


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