Vista normal Vista MARC

Jesson, Jill, 1950- (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Jesson, Jill, 1950-

Formerly on undifferentiated name record n 94071777

Geology, 1995: CIP t.p. (Jill Jesson)

Phone call to publisher, 07-27-94 (Jill Jesson is not the same person as Jesson, J. P., 1936- in LC database)

On track, c2006: t.p. (Jill Jesson) BL e-mail sent 7 June 2010

Email from author, 8 June 2010 (Jill Susan Jesson, born 8 Aug. 1950. Author of Geology and books on ICT, some on science and one on geography)

Developing creativity in the primary school, 2012 : t.p. (Jill Jesson) p.4 of cover (Jill Jesson is Senior Lecturer in Education, Sheffield Hallam University, UK)

UK Parliament website, 11 November 2013 : Memorandum submitted to a Commons Select Committee (I have worked in primary education as a teacher for thirty years, including three years as an AST before joining Sheffield Hallam University, as a senior lecturer in Education) http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200607/cmselect/cmeduski/memo/creativepartnerships/uc6602.htm

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