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Scherz, Paul (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Scherz, Paul

Practical electronics for inventors, 2000: title page (Paul Scherz)

Outside Open website, viewed November 5, 2019: link to About page (under Our Team: Paul Scherz; team member at the technology solutions company Outside Open; after graduating with a degree in physics from the University of Wisconsin, he wrote an an electronics book for inventors, Practical electronics for inventors (now in its 4th edition); spent the past 16 years in technology as Operations Manager for Kaplan International; Outside Open is located in Santa Barbara, California) https://www.outsideopen.com/about/

Dirección de Bibliotecas y Recursos para el Aprendizaje

Universidad de Valparaíso


  • Blanco 951, Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 56-32-2603246

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