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Bonicelli Proaño, Jessica (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Bonicelli Proaño, Jessica
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Bonicelli, Jessica
  • Proaño, Jessica Bonicelli
  • Bonicelli, J.

María José Jeneral González, Distribución vertical diurna de tres grupos taxonómicos del meroplancton con distintas capacidades de nado en la bahía de Cartagena - Chile Central, 2018: t.p. (Jessica Bonicelli Proaño; Profesora guía, Universidad de Valparaíso)

Spatial shifts in productivity of the coastal ocean over the past two decades induced by migration of the pacific anticyclone and bakun’s effect in the Humboldt upwelling ecosystem, 2020: t.p. (Jessica Bonicelli) (Global and Planetary Change)

Abundance, composition and succession of sessile subtidal assemblages in high wave-energy environments of Central Chile: Temporal and depth variation, 2019 t.p. (Jessica Bonicelli) (Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology)

Macrobenthic communities in a shallow normoxia to hypoxia gradient in the Humboldt upwelling ecosystem, 2018: t.p. (Jessica Bonicelli) (Plos One)

Diet vertical migration and cross-shore distribution of barnacle and bivalve larvae in the central Chile inner-shelf, 2016: t.p. (Jessica Bonicelli) (Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology)

Dirección de Bibliotecas y Recursos para el Aprendizaje

Universidad de Valparaíso


  • Blanco 951, Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 56-32-2603246

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