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Irwin, Katherine (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Irwin, Katherine

Chesney-Lind, Meda. Beyond bad girls, 2007: eCIP t.p. (Katherine Irwin)

Irwin, Katherine. Jacked up and unjust, 2016: ECIP t.p. (Katherine Irwin) data view (birth date October 22, 1967)

University of Hawai'i at Manoa College of Social Sciences website, viewed April 1, 2016: faculty webpage (Department of Sociology Associate Professor; Public Policy Center Affiliate Faculty; Katherine Irwin was born and raised in San Francisco, CA and is committed to a host of justice initiatives, including: providing pathways from prison to higher education; finding effective and humane solutions to drug problems in the US; ending mass incarceration and America's current imprisonment binge; teaching college courses in American prisons; restoring the civil rights of formerly incarcerated people; providing multi-lingual education in American schools; and developing culturally respectful, gender responsive, and non-punitive delinquency prevention programs for public school students; kirwin@hawaii.edu) http://www.socialsciences.hawaii.edu/profile/index.cfm?email=kirwin%40hawaii.edu

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