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Puybaret, Éric (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Puybaret, Éric
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Puybarret, Éric
  • Duybaret, Eric

Yarrow, Peter. Puff, the magic dragon, 2007: ECIP t.p. (Eric Puybaret)

panmacmillan.com, accessed May 5, 2016 (Éric Puybaret has already published more than 20 books in his native France.)

facebook.com, accessed May 5, 2016 (Éric Puybaret est un illustrateur jeunesse diplômé de l'Ecole nationale des Arts décoratifs de Paris = Eric Puybaret is a children's illustrator with a degree from the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris.)

constantcontact.com, accessed May 5, 2016 (I work at home, in my small Parisian apartment. My studio is my living room.)

Carre, Claude. Nhṹng chuyến du hành kì thú cùa Jules Verne, 2016: title page (illustrations: Éric Duybaret) p. 4 (E.P.)

BNF via VIAF, Apr. 6, 2018 (est. hdg.: Puybaret, Éric, 1976- ; alt. hdg.: Puybarret, Éric, 1976- )

Dirección de Bibliotecas y Recursos para el Aprendizaje

Universidad de Valparaíso


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