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García Jaramillo, Leonardo (Nombre personal)

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  • Jaramillo, Leonardo García
  • García J., Leonardo (García Jaramillo)

El canon neoconstitucional, 2010: title page (Leonardo García Jaramillo) back flap (Leonardo García Jaramillo; lawyer; has studied philosophy; master's candidate in the humanities with emphasis on politics, Universidad EAFIT-Medellín; member of the Instituto de Estudios Constitucionales "Carlos Restrepo Piedrahita" of the Universidad Externado de Colombia; professor and editor affiliated with the Universidad EAFIT (Medellín))

Universidad EAFIT website, August 13, 2021: (Leonardo García Jaramillo; professor affiiated with the ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Departamento de Gobierno y Ciencias Políticas​; lgarciaj@eafit.edu.co; lawyer; has studied philosophy; master's in humanities with emphasis on political studies, Universidad EAFIT; master's in law, Università di Genova; Ph.D. in law, Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona; law professor who has been affiliated with the Universidad ICESI, the Maestría en Control Gubernamental of the Contraloría General de la República del Perú, the Universidad del Norte, the Centro de Estudios de Actualización en Derecho CEAD, the Diplomado en Género y Justicia of the Secretaría de las Mujeres de Medellín and the Instituto Colombiano de Derechos Humanos, and the Escuela Superior de Guerra-Bogotá; former editor of the Revista Co-herencia (Scopus); member of the editorial board of Araucaria : Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades y Relaciones Internacionales; member of the Grupo de Investigación Sociedad Política e Historias Conectadas; constitional affairs advisor who was affiliated with the Comisión Séptima of the Senado; columnist affiliated with the journal Ámbito Jurídico (Legis)); researcher specializing in constitutional law, political law, political theory, and public policy; author and editor of several works including El canon neoconstitucional (2010)) https://www.eafit.edu.co/docentes-investigadores/Paginas/leonardo-garcia-jaramillo.aspx

Author's Researchgate page, August 13, 2021: (Leonardo García Jaramillo; Leonardo García J.; professor affiiated with the ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Departamento de Gobierno y Ciencias Políticas of the Universidad EAFIT (since 2009); author and editor of several works in English and Spanish including El canon neoconstitucional (2010)) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leonardo-Garcia-Jaramillo https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281620110_COMO_PENSAR_HOY_LA_TENSION_ENTRE_CONSTITUCIONALISMO_Y_DEMOCRACIA_UNA_PERSPECTIVA_DESDE_EL_CONSTITUCIONALISMO_DEMOCRATICO_HOW_TO_CONCEIVE_THE_CONFLICT_BETWEEN_CONSTITUTIONALISM_AND_DEMOCRACY_TODAY_A_VI

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