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Saracostti Schwartzman, Mahia (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Saracostti Schwartzman, Mahia
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  • Schwartzman, Mahia Saracostti
  • Saracostti, Mahia
  • Saracostti S., Mahia (Saracostti Schwartzman)

Familia-escuela-comunidad, 2013-: title page (Mahia Saracostti Schwartzman) preliminary page 4 (Mahia Saracostti) page 11, etc. (Mahia Saracostti S.; degree in social work and master's in business administration, both from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Ph.D. in social welfare, City University of New York; professor who has been affiliated with various universities in Chile as well as Hunter College; has been a member of the editorial board of the journal International Social Work and the Comité de Expertos de la Ficha de Protección Social of the Presidencia de la República; member of the Consejo Asesor de la Infancia and the Directorio de Primer After School Program en Chile, both in the Ilustre Municipalidad de Peñalolen; has been affiliated with the Cámara de Diputados and nonprofit organizations; consultant who has been affiliated with SENAME and SERNAM as well as international organizations; currently the director of the Carrera de Trabajo Social of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile; director of the Proyecto FONDEF D1011059)

Universidad de la Frontera website, June 26, 2020: (Mahia Saracostti Schwartzman; mahia.saracostti@ufrontera.cl; affiliated with the Núcleo C-T en Ciencias Social y Humanidades of the Vicerrectoría Investigación y Postgrado; has done projects about school and family for FONDEF; lists works in English and Spanish) http://extranet.ufro.cl/investigacion/ver_cv_investigacion.php

Author's Researchgate page, June 26, 2020: (Mahia Saracostti; affiliated with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; author of several works including Familia-escuela-comunidad) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahia_Saracostti2

Author's LinkedIn page, June 26, 2020: (Mahia Saracostti Schwartzman; degree in social work (1990-1995) and master's in business administration (1996-1998), both from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Ph.D. in social welfare, City University of New York (2002-2008); director of the Centro Investigación Procesos Socioeducativos, Familias y Comunidades of the Universidad de la Frontera (since 2018); affiliated with the Universidad Autónoma de Chile (2011-2014), the Escuela Trabajo Social of the Universidad Andrés Bello (2008-2010); consultant to various international and federal government institutions including SENAME and SERNAM (2008-2014); project director for FONDEF (2011-2014)) https://www.linkedin.com/in/mahia-saracostti-schwartzman-63248620/?originalSubdomain=cl

Red de Investigadoras website, June 26, 2020: (Mahia Saracostti; degree in social work and master's in business administration, both from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Ph.D. in social welfare, City University of New York; director of the Centro Investigación Procesos Socioeducativos, Familias y Comunidades of the Universidad de la Frontera; lists several of her works in English and Spanish as well as numerous projects that she has worked on) https://redinvestigadoras.cl/miembros/mahia-saracostti/

Dirección de Bibliotecas y Recursos para el Aprendizaje

Universidad de Valparaíso


  • Blanco 951, Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 56-32-2603246

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