Vista normal Vista MARC

Baker, Jack W. (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Baker, Jack W.

URIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.

Vector-valued ground motion intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand analysis, 2006, distributed 2007: t.p. (Jack W. Baker)

Stanford University directory, searched May 13, 2020 (Jack Wesley Baker; professor of civil and environmental engineering)

Stanford University academic profiles, searched May 13, 2020 (Jack Baker; Ph.D., Stanford University, 2005)

Dirección de Bibliotecas y Recursos para el Aprendizaje

Universidad de Valparaíso


  • Blanco 951, Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 56-32-2603246

  • Política de privacidad