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Berry, Michelle K. (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Berry, Michelle K.
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A primer for teaching environmental history, 2018: eCIP title page (Emily Wakild and Michelle K. Berry)

A primer for teaching environmental history, 2018: back cover (Michelle K. Berry is lecturer in the Department of History and Gender and Women's Studies at the University of Arizona)

University of Arizona website, viewed January 26, 2021 (Michelle Berry is an historian (PhD, University of Arizona, 2005) whose primary intellectual interests include feminist pedagogy (teaching), ecofeminism, political ecology, environmental and labor history, and sports studies. In each of these, she is interested in understanding how power is constructed around gendered, racialized, and classed identities. Email: mkberry@email.arizona.edu) https://gws.arizona.edu/user/michelle-berry

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Universidad de Valparaíso


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