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Bayer, Raymond (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Bayer, Raymond
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Cabecera anterior: Bayer, Raymond, 1898-1959

Data contributed by the Dance Heritage Coalition for the New York Public Library Dance Collection.

*MGZA Archives internationales de la danse. v 3, no 3, juillet 1935: p 87 (review of Raymond Bayer's book, L'esthetique de la grace)

Historia de la estética, 1965: t.p. (Raymond Bayer) back cover (Raymond Bayer 1898-1959, fundador con Charles Lalo, Etienne Souriau de la Revue d'Esthétique)

Wikipedia (French), June 1, 2016 (Raymond Bayer, 1898-1960, French philosopher, professor at the Sorbonne and a founder of Revue d'Esthétique; list of his works includes L'esthetique de la grace)

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