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Segal, Hanna (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Segal, Hanna
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Poznanski, Hanna Maria
  • Sīgaru, Hanna
  • Sīgaru, H.
  • スィーガル ハンナ
  • スィーガル H.

Non-Latin script reference not evaluated

Her Introduction to the work of Melanie Klein, 1964.

Her Dream, phantasy, and art, 1991, c1990: CIP t.p. (Hanna Segal) data sheet (b. 8/20/18)

Independent online ed., Aug. 1, 2011 (Dr. Hanna Segal; b. Hanna Maria Poznanski, Aug. 20, 1918, Lodz, Poland; m. Paul Segal, 1946 (d. 1996); d. July 5, 2011; psychoanalyst who was inspired by Melanie Klein and contributed hugely to the field of cultural studies)

Kurain-ha no rinshō, 1988: t.p. (ハンナ・スィーガル = Hanna Sīgaru; H. スィーガル = H. Sīgaru)

Dirección de Bibliotecas y Recursos para el Aprendizaje

Universidad de Valparaíso


  • Blanco 951, Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 56-32-2603246

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