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Valenzuela, Arturo, 1944- (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Valenzuela, Arturo, 1944-
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Valenzuela Bowie, Arturo Arms, 1944-
  • Bowie, Arturo Arms Valenzuela, 1944-

Military rule in Chile, c1985: CIP t.p. (Arturo Valenzuela)

LC data base, 4-12-85 (hdg.: Valenzuela, Arturo, 1944- )

Prospects for a democratic transition in Chile, 1985: page 80, etc. (Arturo Valenzuela; born January 23, 1944 in Concepción, Chile; bachelor's in political science and religion, Drew University (1965) (thesis: The Civil Rights Act of 1964); master's in comparative politics (1967) (thesis: The Chilean political system and the armed forces) and Ph.D. in comparative politics (1971) (thesis: Clientelistic politics in Chile : an analysis of center local linkages), Columbia University; professor of political science affiliated with Duke University (since 1970); author of several works in English, Italian (one work), and Spanish including Military rule in Chile (1985)) https://books.google.com/books?id=G5X_JNbFtvAC&pg=PA80&lpg=PA80&dq=arturo+valenzuela+1944+chile+duke&source=bl&ots=OImW_Mlovv&sig=ACfU3U0LDrSKQdR6LLacT29Wp0tVx7MJpw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXgrL--8nwAhUbFFkFHQjMD8AQ6AEwEnoECBUQAw#v=onepage&q=arturo%20valenzuela%201944%20chile%20duke&f=false

Georgetown University website, May 17, 2021: (Arturo Valenzuela; Arturo A. Valenzuela; emeritus professor of government and foreign service at Department of Government of Georgetown University; directed the Latin American Studies Program (1987-2009) and was the founding director of the Center for Latin American Studies in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University; prior to joining the Georgetown faculty in 1987 he was professor of political science and director of the Council of Latin American Studies at Duke University; President Barak Obama appointed Dr. Valenzuela as Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs in the United States Department of State, a position he held until August 2011, when in he returned to Georgetown; during President William Jefferson Clinton's administration, Dr. Valenzuela served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the State Department, special assistant to the President at the White House, and Senior Director for Inter-American Affairs at the National Security Council; member of the American Academy of Diplomacy and of the Council of Foreign Relations; served on the Conseil Scientific of the Institut des Amériques in Paris, France; was a member of the executive committee of the board of directors of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), and a board member of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), Drew University and Santiago College in Santiago, Chile; consultant; has been an advisor to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and served as a consultant to the Senate Democratic Policy Committee; senior international policy advisor at Covington and Burling, a global law firm headquartered in Washington, D.C. (2014-2020); valenzue@georgetown.edu) https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/00336000014RZugAAG/arturo-valenzuela http://contact.georgetown.edu/view/valenzue/

New York Times website, May 17, 2021: posted September 28, 1986 (Arturo Arms Valenzuela; son of Bishop and Mrs. Raymond Arms Valenzuela of Santiago, Chile; Dr. Valenzuela is professor of political science and chairman of the Council on Latin American Studies at Duke University; graduated from College de l'Alliance Francaise in Concepcion, Chile, and Drew University; master's degree and a doctorate in political science from Columbia University; his father, who is retired, was the Bishop of the Methodist Church of Chile) https://www.nytimes.com/1986/09/28/style/pamela-constable-weds-a-professor.html

Televisa News (Mexico) website, May 17, 2021: (Arturo Valenzuela Bowie; Arturo Valenzuela; political scientist; professor of government and director of the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University; Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs appointed by Barack Obama (2009-2011); profesor de political science formerly affiliated with Duke University) https://noticieros.televisa.com/invitados/arturo-valenzuela/

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