Vista normal Vista MARC

Roitt, Ivan M. (Ivan Maurice) (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Roitt, Ivan M. (Ivan Maurice)

His Essential immunology, 1971.

His Immunology, 1985: CIP t.p. (Ivan M. Roitt) data sheet (b. 9/30/27)

NLM files, 5/22/96: (hdg.: Roitt, Ivan M. (Ivan Maurice); usage: Ivan M. Roitt)

Immunology, c1996: t.p. (Ivan Roitt, MA, DSc (Oxon) Hon FRLP(Lord), FR (Path. FRS: emeritus Orof. of Immunology, Univ. Coll. London MED. Sch., London, UK) pref. (Ivan M. Roitt)

Information from 678 converted Dec. 11, 2014 (M.A., D.Sc. (Oxon); Professor and Head of Dept. of Immunology, Middlesex Hospital Medical School)

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