Cáceres Muñoz, Mario

Transverse variability of the flow and density in inlets of southern Chile / Mario Cáceres Muñoz. - xiii, 142 hojas : ilustraciones, mapas, gráficos.

Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography.

Bibliografía: hojas 135-141.

Measurements of velocity and density profiles were made to describe the flow transverse structure in three inlets of southern Chile. The inlets show marked differences in their transverse dynamics in response to externa! forcing. In Aysen Fjord (45.2° S) the mean flow showed a three layer structure that was consistent with up-fjord wind-induced exchange, while in Chacao Channel (41.8° S), the mean flow exhibited predominantly a lateral structure that featured sharp velocity shears. In both cases, a bank in the center of the sections seemed to play an important role in shaping the mean flows. In Ventisquero Sound (44.4° S), the presence of a sill/contraction combination determined differences in the residual circulation on both sides of the contraction. The subtidal transverse momentum balance in Aysen altemates from quasigeostrophic during calm winds to a frictional layer and quasigeostrophic interior during periods of wind forcing. In Chacao, both advective accelerations and friction seem to play a major role in the transverse dynamics. In Ventisquero Sound, advective accelerations were dominant to the north of the contraction and over the sill. Typical nondimensional groups such as Rossby number, Ekman number, Reynolds number and Richardson number revealed dynamic sirnilarities and differences among the different systems.


Fiordo Aisén (Chile)
Canal de Chacao (Chile)